Sunday, June 1, 2008

Gum vs Toddler

So who won?

Mason LOVES Gum!! He's absolute favorite, enough that it will stop a crying fit when offered. This has come in handy for some cases but not all. For example Mason has been having a hard time staying in nursery by himself, but one time Alyce offered him some gum, it worked. However Mason also gets tired of chewing and likes to take the gum out and look at it. Sometimes it ends up on the floor, his shirt, the ground, or just recently his hair, and the funniest on his dad.

Here's the story. One night Oscar (dad) couldn't sleep well in bed so he went out to sleep on the couch. As he is trying to get comfortable he thinks he smells gum. He gets hot so he gets up to open a window, he thinks he smells gum. He searches the pillow but finds none. He lays down to get comfortable and places his hand on his bare chest, and finds??? GUM!! hahahaha But wait, it gets better. When he wakes up the next morning he is getting ready for work and realizes he has gum wraped around his leg!! Hahahaha But wait, there's more. Later that night we were watching a movie with the Dittrich's. We sat on the couch and rearranged the pillows and discovered GUM!! hahahaha. I couldn't believe we kept finding it everywhere, and that was only one piece!! I should learn by now that I shouldn't give it to him, but sometimes I'm just desperate.


Alyce Dribnak said...

oh my gosh! Your family is hilarious! I was busting up reading the last couple of blogs.