Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Twin Falls With My Mom


Today my mother and I made an early morning drive down to Twin Falls to see the Temple Open House. I'm so glad we did. It was very beautiful and peaceful there. The art work in the halls and especially in the ordiance room was breathtaking!! I could have sat there for a very long time.

We got to walk up close to the baptismal font and see the oxen, in Rexburg we saw behind a big picture window. We both lingered in the sealing room to look in the mirrors and just feel peace. I liked to see the differences between Twin Falls, Rexburg and even Boise. The temple grounds were gorgeous, so mom and I took a few pictures.

I love how in each area where a temple is built the surrounding area is incorporated into the design. I noticed how the state flower was portrayed in the design work inside Twin Falls, and the landscape had a lot of the native flowers and trees. Very beautiful peaceful place to be. I am so thankful I can go to a temple and experience the feelings I do. I look forward to showing my boys the temple when we go down next week as a family.


Teresa said...

I am glad that you and mom were able to go here together. I never asked, how did it go when you went with the whole fam?