Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Community Builders - 3rd Grade Production


Zachary has been practicing for weeks for the 3rd Grade show they did this evening. He has been very excited. I went earlier in the afternoon when they performed for the school, I even sang along to some of the songs I recognized Zachary singing at home. It was about Communities. They all had to dress up like someone in the community. I saw doctors, bakers, soccer, baseball, football, and Zachary chose to wear his scout uniform.

He did a great job. I just love watching him and smiling. Whenever he would look up at me he would try so hard not to smile, which made me smile even wider. I would give him the thumbs up sign a couple of times too.

Great job Zach.


bledsoeblog said...

What a great idea, dressing up like a scout! I can just picture Zachary trying so hard not to smile at you! Reading your blog makes me excited for our little boys to grow up and do "big boy" things! By the way, you are one of the greatest moms I know!