I/we feel so blessed to have these two members of our family holding the priesthood now.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
My Two Priesthood Holders
Posted by Oscar / Vicki Williamson at 2:44 PM 2 comments
Parker's Photography
Posted by Oscar / Vicki Williamson at 2:28 PM 0 comments
Spending Time At Our House
This past week we had some very beautiful weather!! We all took advantage of it and we were outside alot, proof written all over our bright red bodies *ouch*, We had a number of picnic lunches and dinners, and Parker's creative side was coming into play with photography. Mason was still sneaky as ever, and of course my boys will always be boys.
Posted by Oscar / Vicki Williamson at 2:12 PM 1 comments
Another Preschool Field Trip
Posted by Oscar / Vicki Williamson at 2:03 PM 1 comments
I Passed - Hallelujah
Thank goodness!!!!
So after spending 4 hours in the hospital waiting area, being poked too many times, almost fainting, and waiting 3 days for results.....I passed that blasted test!!!
I am so happy I don't have to go on a 'diet' and prick my finger every couple of hours! However, I am still a little paranoid to eat too many sugary things or lots of carbohydrates. I am glad that my arms are not sore anymore and that I am back to feeling better, after fasting for so long I just felt wrong for a day or two.
Good news is I can still fulfil my craving for chocolate milkshakes in the middle of the night *wink*
Posted by Oscar / Vicki Williamson at 1:10 PM 0 comments
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Prenatal Visit
Tuesday I went in for the dreaded glucose screening test. I really dislike this test, mostly because of the drink they give you, and you have to fast before hand. I thought it would be pretty simple - check in, drink the stuff, see my doctor, and then go draw my blood - 1 hour to 1 1/2 hours tops. Yah right!! I sat in that hospital for 2 hours, and nearly had a panic attack because I knew I had to leave to pick up Parker from kindgergarten.
This always happens on my doctor appointments, the doctor is always running late so I should have expected it. So I got the blasted drink and downed it in 5 minutes like I'm suppose to and off I go with my timer to the doctors across the hall. There I sit for nearly 45 minutes waiting to be seen. The nurse comes to get me and then I sit in the room waiting for the doctor while I watch the minutes tick away on my timer. I waited until 2 minutes and I had to leave, the nurse said she would hold the room. So now I race across the hall trying to beat the timer, which I don't so it starts beeping LOUDLY and I can't turn it OFF!! How embarassing!! The lab people heard me coming though and met me at the door and took the loud thing and silenced it. Thank goodness. I sat down they took my blood and then off to the doctors again. I sat for another 15 minutes. If the doctor hadn't shown up when he did I would have left! Good grief! He measured my tummy, listened to the heartbeat (which was very fast considering all the sugar), I'm sure everything is normal because he doesn't say anything other than see you in 4 weeks.
So for a 3 minute check up it took 1 1/2 hours of waiting, I really don't like that!
To make it all worse I get a call from the nurse yesterday telling me my test results were a little high and they want me to come in for a 3 hour glucose test. GREAT!!! The first thing I did when I got off the phone was cry (of course, I am always crying) then I was mad. I didn't want to take the test and I wanted to be able to eat what I wanted and not worry about it. So I called my sister who has been through this before and had her explain what she could remember. Basically you just have to change your diet a bit AND prick your finger all the time, I'm not looking forward to that. Of course all of this is only if my numbers are high again, I sure hope not! I should have seen this one coming though since I was so sensitve to sugar during my first trimester, and I was starting to get light headed in the hospital after the drink.
I sure hope all will be fine, and most importantly our baby girl will be born healthy and safe. With no more complications along the way. So tomorrow I go in to sit for 3 hours, wish me luck.
Posted by Oscar / Vicki Williamson at 11:47 AM 1 comments
4/11/09 & 4/12/09
The boys started their Easter celebration with a breakfast and easter egg hunt at the church. I forgot the camera so I don't have pictures, but they all had fun. Oscar and Zachary thought the breakfast was the best part, especially because they got to have seconds!! The easter egg hunt was fun for them, Mason was more interested in watching what the other kids were doing that he only got 1 egg. Parker raced around the grass and picked up his 10 eggs. I had him pick up a few more for Mason too. When they came into the church and opened their eggs, Mason didn't like any of the candy he had, so when Oscar and Zachary went out I let Mason go out again, and this time he was happy.
The next morning the boys woke up to find their easter baskets full of goodies and fun. Mason and Parker got kites and sidewalk chalk, while Oscar and Zachary got frisbies and huge bubble wands. Of course their favorite was the candy, which they dug into right away.
After breakfast of cinnamon rolls, muffins, and eggs we headed off to church. It was such a nice day that all the kids played outside for hours, so it shouldn't have surprised me to see little red noses and necks. *smile* Later that night we enjoyed a ham dinner with my mom and sister and her kids. We had a nice relaxing Easter. It was so nice to have my mom and sister here with us too.
The next day my mom helped me out by climbing up onto those tall ladders and cleaning off all the dust from Oscar's animal mounts. What a job it is! She only got a third of it done, but she said she would come back and finish. The area that is clean is AWESOME!! Thanks mom, hopefully this will help with the allergies in our house.
We love you.
Posted by Oscar / Vicki Williamson at 11:32 AM 0 comments
Happy Birthday Oscar!!
It's official, Oscar (Lil O) has turned 12!!! I feel extremely old!
Happy Birthday to You
Happy Birthday to You
Happy Birthday
Dear Oscar
Happy Birthday to You!!!
His actual birthday was Tuesday, so we had pizza for dinner, watched a movie together, and had brownies and ice cream. We also gave him his presents too! We loved seeing the smile on his face as he opened a box full of colored paper, for his origami projects, and Fablehaven Book 4!! He had the book read in 2 days! It would have taken 1 but mom made him go to bed (darn mom *wink*)
My sister and mom came up to celebrate with us. My sister commented that Oscar was getting very tall, and was his voice changing? *wink*
This was the first year Oscar wanted to do something different for his birthday. He decided he wanted to have a paintball war party. I started to panic when I heard the word War, because I am patheic, but we made it work. Since I knew nothing about this, Dad got to help out a lot! Oscar and his friends had a great time. They came back covered in paint, poor Jayden got shot at close range and now has a 'third nipple', and all were laughing and high fiving each other.
We sang 'Happy Birthday', ate cake and ice cream, and opened presents - all in the garage! Wow what a different party for me, but very easy clean up.
This was Lil O's design as well, he has a great imagination!
Happy birthday buddy! We're so blessed to have you in our family! Love you.
Posted by Oscar / Vicki Williamson at 10:56 AM 0 comments
Preschool Field Trip
Today Mason and his friends from preschool went to visit the old train station in downtown Nampa.
It was fun for both the kids and the moms. The kids loved looking at the little model trains that actually moved! Mason liked pushing buttons on everything he could put his hands on.
I thought this was cool. It is a huge bird house that was a replica of a hotel that once was part of downtown Nampa. How beautiful!! It's too bad it was torn down in the 60's. I believe it sat where the bank now does kiddy corner from the public library.
This is a menu used on the train. WOW I would love to have those prices now to enjoy a night out!
After we got to see all the cool things inside we were taken outside to see a caboose, we even got to go inside!
This was a great place to visit!!
Posted by Oscar / Vicki Williamson at 10:40 AM 0 comments
Just Hangin Out
Oscar had to make a 3D model of the natural disaster he had to make a report on. He chose earthquake. The buldings are made out of paper origami style, and clay for the broken up road with the cars on their sides. I think he did great.
Posted by Oscar / Vicki Williamson at 10:30 AM 0 comments
Whistle Pigs
Lil O has been itching to get out and shoot his gun, and Dad came up with the idea to go 'whistle pig' shooting (which is code for ground squirrel). Zachary was sooo excited that he got to go too. It was a nice sunny day, but a little chilly and a bit windy, they had a great time though.
Zachary thought Dad was going to kill him with his crazy driving, and swore his head hit the ceiling when they went over bumps. Dad quoted Zachary as they were going down a steep hillside "WE'RE GOING TO DIE". I had to laugh at this because I could easily picture him saying it with his feet braced against the seat in front of him and arms out spread. hehehehe Lil O had a hard time at first spotting the whistle pigs, but soon got the hang of it. I laughed and teased him that he was related to his mom because I never see the stuff Oscar points out. Most times I mistake a rock or stick with an animal, I'm pathetic. However Lil O claims he's not that bad. hehehehe
Oscar recently purchased a GPS unit that goes in the truck so he can locate homes for work. The boys think it's awesome so they were using it today to find a good place to shoot. The funny story comes when they are driving across the desert and decide to stop and read the GPS. The found the only mud hole in the whole area, and when they decided to start driving again realized they might be stuck!! hahahahaha Dad quickly put it into reverse and frantically started rolling up the windows before the mud came flying in!! After a few minutes of maneuvering they were free and were laughing, the truck was a good site to see, but the camera battery died.
When they were out driving they came across a lone cow, and Dad told them it looked like she was going to have a baby. They drove away and came back the same way about 20 minutes later, and there was the cow with a baby!! The boys were astonished!.
I'm glad they got to get out and have some fun father/son bonding time, doing boy stuff. Zachary was very excited and came home to give me the story. I had to stop him when I started getting details, Dad had to remind him that mom doesn't like that stuff! He'll learn fast, Lil O did. *wink*
Posted by Oscar / Vicki Williamson at 10:13 AM 0 comments
Fishing-Wilson Pond
Mason was excited for all the SNACKS!
After fishing they all headed back to our house for Pizza and a movie. I however was invited to see Twilight again at the dollar theater, so of course I couldn't miss that opportunity. *wink*. I also brought Tendra with me. When I got home this is what we found. Ahhhh
Posted by Oscar / Vicki Williamson at 10:00 AM 1 comments