Monday, December 7, 2009

Lily Update

Our sweet Lily is so fun to have around, I love watching her discover her world around her. The funniest one is watching her all of a sudden notice her hands going across her face. She will hold her hand there, fan out her fingers, twist her hand back and forth, and then 'talk' to her hand. I need to get a picture of this (mental note).

At her last doctors visit for 4 month checkup she weighted 13lbs 4oz (50%) and 26" long (90%) her head measured in the 50%. She is tall and skinny, and still my littlest, too cute :) At this visit she had to have some more shots :( She did okay the first day, but the next day she wasn't very comfortable. We had to give her tylenol all day, because if we accidently touched her legs she would SCREAM, poor baby :( I thought her bandaids were pretty cute so we took a picture to remember.

We also started rice cereal after her doctors visit. She has been watching us (like a baby bird) while we eat and can sit up pretty good when in her chair, so we decided to try some. Here is her first taste.

She wasn't too sure about it.....

A couple weeks later we added some bananas, and then some pears, since then she is LOVIN solids.

She loves this new chair that our great friend Sara let us borrow. She can sit with us at the table and feel like she's a big girl. :)

This little girl loves looking at things that 'light' up. I'll put her by her brothers playing on the computer and this is what she does.

She will also stare at the TV (has to be PBS) usually when she is tired, she'll hug her blanky, suck her thumb, and fall asleep!! She has been the easiest baby to put to sleep, or at least to figure out some tricks (*wink*)

She has also figured out how to get something into her hands and insert it into her mouth!! So everything within her reach ends up there. She found her brothers earphones the other night.

These are just some extra pictures of our sweet Lily doing what she does best, being sweet!!

We love you so much Lily!


The Evans Family said...

Lily is so darling & growing up fast! She's not spoiled or loved at all! :)