Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Swimming Lessons


All the boys had a great time in their swimming lessons this year. They all did great.

Mason was in preschool level. The first day he was shivering soooo much I thought for sure he would get out, but he stuck to it and did everything his teacher asked him. The next day though when Oscar came to watch he said he was too cold and got out. However, the remaining time he was like a fish!!! He would put his water goggles on and go under the water. The first time he did this I nearly had a heart attack and went into labor!! I saw him sit down in the bottom of the 2 foot deep pool and screamed his name. The instructor looked back and he popped out of the water smiling all proud of himself. I felt like an idiot but at least he was safe. I just learned real quick not to worry so much because he could stand up in the pool. He did an awesome job! He even jumped off the diving board into the deep end when he was wearing his life jacket!!! He was the only one in his class that did. His teacher said he could start into Level 1, but he can't touch the bottom in that pool so I think we'll just stick with preschool level one more year. *smile* Here are some pictures of him.

Parker was in Level 1 this time. He was very excited to start, but on the first day he was FREEZING!! He kept telling his teacher no, and wouldn't do anything. I had to tell him if he didn't want to do what his teacher asked he was going to go back to the baby class. I did feel sorry for him because it was barely 65 degrees outside, but I didn't want the nasty attitude coming out. The second day he was a completely different boy, he did AWESOME!! He was excited to go everyday. He would tell me that he knew how to swim, and he was getting the technique down, but he really looked like he was drowning. *wink* I was really proud of him for doing so well. His teacher passed him, but I think we're going to practice a bit more in Level 1 again. Here are some pictures of Parker.

Zachary was in Level 3, it was his second time because I make my boys take the levels twice (good practice I think). He did great perfecting his strokes. He sure can hold his breath for a long time, but he needs to remember to 'blow his bubbles' so he isn't gasping for air when he comes up. His diving was AWESOME, not one belly flop, he dove like a pro! His teacher passed him so he will be moving onto Level 4 next year. GREAT JOB Zach!! Here are a couple pictures of him.

Oscar was in Level 5, for his first time. I thought this was going to be the 'survival' course, but I was mistaken. Apparently there is a Level 6 that is geared for that. Oscar's teacher was a very good teacher. He helped them all perfect the strokes they learned in Level 4, he would even get in the water and demonstrate how it was done. He was very strict about how things should be done, which I think he should be. He taught them how to do the summer salt thing in the water when you get close to the side of the pool so you can kick off quick and keep swimming (very funny to watch). Oscar did great in all his strokes, he only had a bit of a struggle with the butterfly. Here are some pictures of him.

I'm really glad they got to complete their lessons before Lily came. They are ready for next year. *smile*