Friday, September 24, 2010

Your Lucky You're So Cute!


This morning I got up real early so I could go to Time Out For Woman in Boise with a good friend of mine, Tendra Andrews.  I had to leave a sick little girl with her daddy for the whole day.  Oscar said it would be fine and I left them while he was sitting in the rocking chair with Lily, both of them were asleep.  Once I had been in Boise for awhile I started getting text messages from home. Keep in mind Lily has been sick for the past couple of nights throwing up, whining, running a fever, not sleeping good at all, we had just gotten her back to sleep.....

Oscar :  "Asleep on lap on couch......"
Oscar:  "Back up, I mason will die......."
Vicki:  "What happened, did he wake up Lily?"
Oscar: 'Ya think? "HEY DAD I CAUGHT, A BUTTERFLY"....shhhhhhhh. "WHAT".... go to your room......"PARKER I HAVE A BUTTERFLY".
Vicki: 'I'm so sorry! Been there done that. It's easy for me to say this cuz I'm here, but remember he's 4 and very excited about his butterfly.  Put on facebook n have a laugh take a nap later when lily does.  Try turning on the tv'
Oscar: 'Dad we should go outside and pick one po'natoe'...ok, I'll let him live today. Have fun see u tonight.
Vicki: 'hahahahaha!! Yesterday we had to pick red raspberries
Oscar: 'That is after breakfasts and a bide ride he says.
Vicki: 'haha cute! Wow he must love you! He's got your whole day planned!'

We love you Mason!  FYI a "po'natoe" is tomatoe *smile*


Anonymous said...

haha cute!