Wednesday, September 15, 2010

New Look


Well it has finally happened!  I was told I'm not good enough!  WHAT!  Apparently I cut hair 'stupid' according to my 11 and 13 year olds!  WOW  I didn't think I would hear that quite so soon.  (I had Zach's done at another friends and I don't have any pictures, but it turned out great!) So I called a friend who does hair to help out (Janae). She cut Oscar's hair and showed me some tips how to do it myself next time and make it 'cool'.

I sure hope I can figure it out because she moves 2000 miles away!  I think it turned out very nice.  The huge trick was using thinning shears, because his hair is sooooo thick and wavy!  Thank you Janae, you're a life saver!

Just a side note; this is what happens a few weeks after wrecking on your bike and smashing your finger!
