Saturday, April 3, 2010

Someone Thinks Their Big

Well Lily has discovered how to pull herself up to her knees, and I think she's pretty proud of herself *smile*

I caught her one morning doing this in her crib too!  I made a mental note to move the crib bed down a level before she went to bed.  She has been pulling herself up on anything she can get her hands on.  Then the other night I looked over at her and Oscar to see this....
She pulled herself up to a STANDING position!!  Wow girl!  Slow down a little.  And of course once she figured out how to do that she had to practice some more.....
The next day we went to get her out of her crib and she was standing, and guess what I HAD NOT lowered the crib yet!!  She gave me a heart attack!  The crib was lowered that day!  She has been having a ball practicing her new skills.  She is a VERY fast army crawler and is sorta getting the hang of crawling, but to her it's too slow, so she scoots across on her belly.  When she wants to be picked up she scoots over to your feet and pulls on your pant legs, her signal for 'pick me up please' *smile*  Some of her favorites are going outside, her soft blankies, paper (which she is not allowed to have), bathtime, pulling hair (which no one likes), and pop if dad sneeks it *smile* She has developed the 'stranger danger' milestone, so she screams at anyone who looks at her, such a sad face. She is such a cutie pie, I love watching her explore, it seems like she discovers something new everyday.


sauter signs off said...

Seriously, didn't you just have Lily? I swear Rebecca just told me you had your little girl. Wow, she is adorable, and so big!