Sunday, March 21, 2010

Conversation with Mason and Daddy


This morning while Daddy was helping Mason get ready for church, the following conversation took place.  It is a longer conversation so I didn't put it on the side this time.

Mason - What did you call Moose Grandma (this is Grandma Williamson) when you were a kid?
Dad - mom
Mason - when are you gonna have grandkids?
Dad - when my boys get older and have kids. When are you gonna have kids?
Mason – I’m not gonna have kids, I don’t know who I’m gonna marry. I’m still deciding.
Dad - giggling
Mason - don’t listen to me
Dad – Dad wants to have grandkids
Mason - your not my dad.
Dad - Who’s your dad?
Mason  – my dad lives in the hills on top of a mountain. He lives in a vegetable and he has red hair.
Hahahahahahahaha  That Mason is hillarious!!  Love him so much.