Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Parker's 2nd Grade Music Program


"Howdy, partner, and welcome to our program.  Now you know, there are certain things a cowboy needs, like....a horse, and .....a hat....and, well, listen real close, and we'll sing it for you."  said Parker for the opening to his 'Partner Round-up" program.

He was VERY excited for this day.  He had practiced his line and practiced all the songs, we bought a copy of the CD so he could, everyday for the past couple of weeks.  Here he is waiting with his class to go into the program area, doesn't he look so excited and happy?

In the gym waiting now...

I LOVE watching at this age.  They are enthusiastic about everything, not too shy, don't really care what everybody else thinks of them, and sing with all their heart and souls!  Well at least my Parker was/is like that.  I had a smile on my face the whole time.

Here he is speaking the opening line, he NAILED it!

They also had the privilege of doing some dancing...

Parker definitely was NOT shy in the dancing department, he let loose out there on the dance floor!  He is just like his daddy.  We had such a great time watching the program.  Parker did an amazing job!  I remember leaning over to Oscar and saying, look he's actually singing and enjoying himself!  Our first two sons didn't have that much enthusiasm.  GREAT job Parker, we love you. *smile*

A Cute Cousin


My brother Michael and his cute wife Krysten came to Boise to attend a wedding and we were able to visit with them for a bit before they had to head home.  Of course their precious bundle of joy came with them, Conor.  I love getting to see him whenever I can, it's hard sometimes to be far away from your family.  We took the opportunity to take a couple of pictures of Lily and Conor together.

Conor wasn't too interested in the pictures and he kept looking at his daddy like 'What you want, I want to play with these toys'

Conor and Lily were so fun to watch play together.  Neither one of them have had the opportunity to share their stuff, so they both took turns grabbing toys from each other while watching the other one cry.  Baby's are just too cute sometimes.  Thanks for coming and visiting us!!

Oscar's District Cross Country Meet


Today was the last crosscountry meet of the season, it was with all the schools they have competed against these past 5 weeks.  LOTS of kids!  WOW.  Thank goodness the weather was cooperating, not too hot (which they always had to suffer through) and not too cold.  They were back at West Middle School competing.

On your mark, Get set, GO!

Halfway there, running with his buddy Austin

Coming into the finish

All done, catching his breath

It's done! 

Parker, Mason and Lily were all excited and proud of their oldest brother

Oscar did a GREAT job!!!  His goal of the season was to get his time under 10 minutes, which he did today 9:55!  Whoot Whoot!!  He worked hard all season and really enjoyed himself.  We are so proud of you son! *smile*

Monday, October 18, 2010

Mason Turns 5


FINALLY!! That's what Mason feels like.  He has been counting down the days to his birthday and his party for the last month!  It has been fun watching him get all excited and seeing the light dance in his eyes.  The Sunday following his party he plain as day asked me, 'so when do I start kindergarten, I'm done with preschool, I'm 5 now'.  WOW!  It took a lot of mighty fine convincing this one why he had to wait another whole year.  I was nervous come the first day back to preschool though, cuz boy did he fight me those days prior.  He ended up going and coming home from preschool just happy as could be, WHEW! 

This year Mason decided he wanted to have a bug birthday.  This didn't surprise me one bit, since both him and Parker have been fasinated with bugs the last few months.  They will point out a grasshopper or rolly polly to anyone willing to look and listen.  So of course we run with it.  Here is how his cake turned out, I was NOT allowed to decorate it without him being right by my side because 'he was the boss of his cake'  I think it turned out great.

We played some bug games, like 'hot potato bug'.  Had to pass the bug around while the music is playing, but when the music goes off you don't want to be holding it, or your OUT!

 Our winner!  He got to keep the bug too. *smile*

Bug Hunt...

Musical dead bug.  Dance around like your favorite bug while the music is playing, when the music stops you play dead. hahaha the last one to play dead is OUT!

Find the bug in the balloon.  You had to stomp on the balloons to see what your bug would be.  Lily didn't like all the noise during this one, and some were afraid to pop them.

Mason LOVED all his fun presents...

But, his goodies he said were the best!

We had 'wiggly worm' dogs..

with dirt pudding....

and of course cake and ice cream!  Their drinks even had frozen bugs in them.

Here is Mason's group of friends that came and enjoyed his special day with him.

He had such a GREAT time, he was smiling for days afterwards!  Happy Birthday Mason, we love you so much.  You make us laugh, and sometimes shake our heads, but we love it too!