Wednesday, March 19, 2008

It's Official

We now have two licensed hunters in our family!!

Oscar completed his Hunter Safety course on Saturday, and he now has his official license. Mom is still having mixed emotions about this. I know he is growing up, but he still seems to be too small to be carrying a gun around hunting. I have already had the talk about how it is legal to shoot big game down in New Mexico at age 10. Well sorry charlie THAT is not going to happen!! Someone needs to get a little bit more experience first (I saw the target).

Oscar's last requirement was to attend a Fish and Game Field Day where he learned about gun safety, was required to shoot a gun, and complete an obstacle course with a fake gun in hand. Dad and Oscar had a good long day from 7:30 to 5:30.


Anonymous said...

No hunting New Mexico ?!??!! HUMmmm... It's better to ask forgiveness then permission :) (Stay tuned for upcoming NM blog hunts folks :) ).


Sara said...

Yay Little O!
We still missed you at the cabin though. :-)

Esther Ogden said...

What a handsome young man! I bet he and Big Oscar will make many wonderful memories together!

Nate / Mary said...

Where did Oscar take his hunter safety course?? Nate wants Kyla to take it.